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  • Writer's pictureRay

Integrating Exercise Into a Busy Day Part 2

We’ve already talked about a few tips on adding exercise into your routine and I actually thought of a few more that I think will help you out a lot, so here we go!

Cubicle Fitness

Just as ergonomic experts are recommending to office workers to take their eyes off their computer screen every hour or so, fitness experts are advocating getting up from your chair and taking a walk and jaunting up and down the stairs.

When you feel the need to take a break, offer to pick up supplies for your colleagues, take the mail downstairs instead of waiting for the trolley, or think of something you could put in your car instead of waiting until 5 pm. That way, you force yourself to get up from your seat and walk for a few minutes.

If you look into the private offices of some people, you’ll see dumb bells, mats and elastic bands – these are clues that they are doing some exercise while on the job – a good and healthy practice to adopt by busy individuals with hectic schedules.

Family Exercises

On the weekends when you join the family in their activities, try to integrate exercise into these activities: if the children are into cycling, join them for bike rides. Are they off to their swimming lessons or skating lessons? See if you can sign up in the adults section, or take a walk outside the recreational center while waiting for them.

Chores Burn Calories!

Who says you can’t burn calories while doing housework or gardening? Take a breather from your hectic schedule and devote some down time to tending to your lawn, trimming your rose bushes, scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom floors, etc.

Walk, don’t Drive!

And here’s another tip that is popular: park your car far away so you can walk to the front gates of the office, to the entrance of the mall, to the doctor’s office and to the post office.

Variety is the Spice of Life

Another way to integrate exercise into a busy schedule is to vary the fitness routine. Variety promotes interest in maintaining your workout schedule. Without variety, boredom sets in, causing you to drop out.

Variety also enables you to accommodate as many different types of exercises from the wide repertory available from personal trainers, books and manuals – and the Internet – and that way you’re able to adopt certain movements that you’re most comfortable with.



Feb 28, 2022

If I do it ALL, will I be able to kick a football like RAY??


Feb 28, 2022

Thank you Ray for never giving up on me

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